Saturday, September 28, 2013



Yes… This project is moving forward rather quickly!!! Or maybe it just seems that way since I have so much to do in so little time… Regardless!! This wonderful epic project is happening!!

Here's some new news for ya!

-Pre-Orders of the RED BOX season 1 will be available from the first of October!!!!

-It is the same awesome book except I'll be hand signing/numbering and also doodling them!

-They are the same price as the other copies ( 450 HKD / 36-UK/ 45-EU/ 58-US + shipping)

-There will only be 100 of these pre-ordered fancy shmancy copies available!!

-To order one of these bad boys, send an e-mail to: they'll take care of it all!!! Just let them know you want to pre-order a RED BOX, give them the e-mail address you want the Paypal invoice sent to and they should get back to you within 24 hours with the full quote (including shipping) as a Paypal invoice!! Once you paid-up… You'll get an e-receipt from them too! And finally, these VIP copies will be the first copies to ship out as soon as they get the books from  the printers so around mid November!!! 

-I guess you can always just order through me too… Whatever tickles your fancy!!!

if you have any other questions,
you can go check them out: CLANDESTINE REPUBLIC
ask them anything:
or me:

And finally… Not to be all emo and all… But I never had a chance to take a few seconds to write about all this! Always too busy!! But I guess I just had to say that, this is by far, the awesomest project I've ever done, like ever! 240 pages of artwork and so much time and so much art in this epic project!!! It is definitely my heart and soul right now, that's for sure!!! I hope you liked the web version for the last year and if you did, you will absolutely love this book!!! I've spared nothing in making this project… It's all I can give in one year in one fat awesome brick of a book!!! So yeah… If you like what I do, like the RED BOX comic, like that I post pretty regularly on this here fine Plog… Give this awesomeness a chance!!! I promise you'll love every bit of it!!

Also I don't know if I mentioned this before but in the extra pages of this book there is a section dedicated to other different absolutely awesome artists painting their own interpretations of certain scenes of the story… Seriously, that alone might be worth the book!!!!

Ok that's it for me for now!!

Stay awesome out there!

P.s. Web-Red Box continues till early November...

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