Thursday, October 3, 2013

Appropriately Shiny... 162-166

Hello hello!!!!

 Terribly sorry about the no-blogging going on these days but there is just no way I can find time... So you'll have to give me another week or two before I can continue blogging normally... There's just not enough time in a day!!!

However... As you all know!! The RED BOX can't be stopped!!! So here are your weekly wednesday Red Box 5 pages of awesomeness!!! Enjoy!

Where were we... ? Oh yes... The slightly deranged yet very assertive Penelope Purpleton was about to change into something more adequate...

PAGE 162-163

PAGE 164

PAGE 165

PAGE 166

Wow!!! There's like a whole army of these dudes!!! This is gonna get pretty serious pretty soon!!

Join all these crazies again next week for m m more RED BOX awesomeness!!!

Go HERE to check the whole thing from the beginning!!!

And just incase you hadn't heard... The RED BOX is now available for Pre-Order!!!!!! Check it out and don't miss this awesomeness!!!

About 30 gone... 70 to go in just two days!!!!


(more spam about this soon enough)

Ok got to run!

Catch ya later!!!!

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