RB1 - REDBOX season 1 -
It's official, ladies and gentlemen, I'm quite proud to have the pleasure to announce that the wonderful RED BOX saga will be printed!!!
Of course I had figured this out a while back (hence the 3 last months of almost only Red Box doodlings) but it's now for real real official!!
What started as a silly blog project became kind of my obsession… Ask anyone I've met in the last year and they'll tell you all I can talk about is that damn Red Box!
It'll get published by these here fine publishers of fine books, CLANDESTINE REPUBLIC LTD. (one of my other jobs) and while we're working out all the technical details of this awesome project of awesomeness, I can already state these few factual facts for you to expect...
You're looking at a serious brick of about 21 cm x 21 cm of between 240 and 250 pages (the first season's actual comic is just under 200 pages and the rest will be extra awesomeness).
full colour (obviously) and this edition will be hardcover only.
most probably limited to about a 1000 copies.
A few amazing artists will be collaborating on some of the extra pages too.
And finally we're looking at pricing it between 400 and 450 HKD*… So some seriously reasonable shit here!!!!
Right now we're looking at possibly having it out just in time for Christmas and some extra awesome pre-order VIP deals for very soon but I'll update you guys as soon as I have some more super awesome RB news in the next few days! Be prepared for some seriously out of this world awesomeness!!!!
*400-450 HKD is today roughly just about: 40-45 EU / 32-36 UK / 51-58 US
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