Monday, December 22, 2014


March is the when...

Berlin and Rotterdam are the where!!

I finally figured out the dates for my next Euro-Tattoo-Trip and am officially starting to book them!
Let me know if you're down with any of this!!

Rotterdam: First week of March (2 to 3 dates available / 1 reserved already).

Berlin: Second, third and possibly also the forth week of March (10 to 15 available dates / 5 reserved).

If you're one of the "Reserved" spots, write to me soon so we can figure out your sessions!!
If you're not one of the "Reserved" spots... You should also write to me soon for the exact same reasons!!

If you're in Copenhagen and are waiting for me to show back up there you should know that it has become extremely complicated to organize, way too expensive and way way out of the way for me to go back up there, so far! I do plan on making it back up there one day but I just can't afford it at the moment!

Ask away:

More stuff tomorrow!!!

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