Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Today's the day. 
We're now open for pre-orders on EPHK's new epic turbocharged graphic saga, Turbo Drome/No Way Out part 1 of 2.

Here's how it works:

Pre-Orders will be processed through our web-shop starting from today and until the book comes out. The book is expected to officially drop in August. We previously had a date for it at the end of July but a few delays have pushed it back a few weeks and just to be safe we've now set the new release date for mid/end of August.

There are two pre-order options available.

1) An unlimited, signed copy for $20 US with free shipping

2) And a limited to 100, Signed and personalized hand doodled copy for $50 US also with free shipping

Like we've previously done with the Red Box, the book pre-orders will end the day we get the books delivered. Once released, it will be available for $20 US + shipping $8 US (free shipping for Hong Kong and Macau).

More kicks will be announced in the next few weeks. 
Having already pre-ordered a book or combining a pre-ordered book with one of these kicks will of course give you dibs and better prices on these Kicks. 


The book will be a 48 page, 25cm x 25cm (about 10" x 10")
Printed on rich Woodfree uncoated paper (same as Red Box).
And bound with a thick, matt laminated softcover.

There will be two covers available for the same book.
Cover A: by Electric Pick 
and cover B: by the ultra talented Hong Kong comic artist, Little Thunder.

Your cover choice for your pre-orders will be made once we are ready to ship, in August. So you can have the time to see which one you prefer, well in advance.

This book is part 1 of 2 books. The second installment will have the exact same stats (i.e. page count, size… etc.) but with, once again, two different covers (One from EPHK and one from another different artist).

Work on part 2 of 2 will start as soon as part one is released and expected to drop before Christmas.

And you can also expect previews of pages and more sneak peeks in the weeks to come.


Let me know: pick@electricpick.com
Or them know: info@clandestinerepublic.com

if you have any questions about all this madness!!!!

More news soon!!!!!!

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