Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Hey what-up!?

Couldn't find a second to post in the last few days... 

Have forgotten to take a lot of shots for the Plog and for the Instagrams too, So... Yeah! Please forgive this heavily distracted schedule of mine but it's been quite hectic indeed the last few days!!! Lot's of workings, lots of visitors and lots of happenings!! I should eventually manage to update everything for your viewing desires, however... For now... Here's where I think we left off...

Did a bunch of patching up weird empty spaces between some other stuff all day on this sleeve... The whole thing is finished but sadly I think this next shot is the only spot with enough surface to show anything!!

More day's doings asap!!!!

Until then, here's what my new buddy, Matthew Gordon did of me last week!!!!!!! He must be really bored after a week in Copenhagen to dedicated his evenings to this project but what an awesome piece!!!! I've never had someone give me a painting of me before... sniff ... This is pretty cool!!!

Thanks buddy!!!!!!!

And yes... This is what I look like nowadays... Same as before but with a 15 year old Taliban's beard!! 5 more months to go on this bad boy and it should look like a 17 year old's!!!

Ok ok... Enough about my beard and more about nothing... I'm out a here!

Stay awesome!!! 

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