Thursday, August 29, 2013

Incoming Migrant's Provisional Approval settlement sector 137-139

So like yeah!!! Hi!!! Been crazy since I landed back home a few days ago but I'm such a smarty pants that I took advantage of my 20 hour poop flight and got you guys 3 new awesome pages!!! Ready to go for this new Red Box Wednesday!!! Hurra!!!

In the days to come, I will be posting a few super awesome special Red Box news posts! So if you happen to be a fan of this epic and mysteriously intriguing saga… You might be interested in these "special RB news posts"!!! Yup! Until then however, here's your weekly session… 3 new and exciting pages indeed! Will Oliver ever make it out of the city's tortuous immigration department??? Let's find out now!!!!

Last time on the Red box… Oliver was confronted with a CCTV device that seemed like a douche but an ok dude too… 

PAGE 137

PAGE 138

PAGE 139

Wow! Our not so fearless hero finally gets a break!! Or did he… ??
Find out next Wednesday for a nothing short than awesome few new pages… Also, these same pages happen to be the end of chapter 7!!!! That's right… How incredibly mystifying…

As per the usual usualness… HERE's where you can check this epic saga from the beginning… And there (HERE) is also where you should go to check out what page(s) you might like to own as a fancy shmancy giclĂ©e print!!

Also… Just so you know… I hope you enjoyed the epic day's doings session I had going on back in Denmarkia… Still got a few to catch you guys up with but when that's over and for the next 2 months, I'm afraid that the day's doings will be very scarce… I've got my work cut out for me for these next 2 months and the day's doings aren't part of it!! There will of course be the occasional one… But if the only thing you're interested in seeing on this here fine-ass Plog is tattoos… you'll be sad till the end of October!   

ok got to run… You ROCK!!!!

More ploggables asap!!!! 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

“one giant leap for mankind”

That's it... I'm outta here!

Flying out in the morning for a long and painful flight back home but oh, how I can't wait to be back home!!

Thanks again, Denmarkia... It's been real as always!

However, In other much sadder news of the day...

One of my true childhood heroes and mankind's most daring adventurer 
has just left us for his final journey...

Farewell Captain Armstrong!

Saturday, August 24, 2013


So like hi!!

Here's day ?'s day's doings… 

Another 2 hour "one shot"!!
Oh and that's not "blue grey" but rather pretty bright turquoise... Just saying!!! Hopefully I'll get some healed shots some time soon!!!

Also in the day's news...

… Was gonna do my last day's doings of this trip today but then that's not gonna happen after all so I realized… That's it… I'm done… My last day's doings was yesterday… I'm leaving in a few days and this is the end of this Denmarkian  summer adventure of 2013… Already! Wen't by pretty quickly actually!!!!

Everything went well and lots of fun was had! Awesome old and new friends traveled to hang too and this sweet little tattoo shop was pretty much packed with awesomeness pretty much all the time!!!

However, working wise, and for no one's fault really but still… This trip has been quite a financial disaster! Not to rant, I think more smaller pieces than usual and/or maybe me being way too fast and/or definitely the local everyday cost of life here has gotten me well in the minus and well… It hurts and I really can't afford it! So I've decided that my next trip over will be my last one working! I'll be back regularly to hang with friends and will try to make it back to Europe for work regularly too but my next trip to Denmark for work, will be my last one (giving it one last round for touch-ups and continuation of pieces)! So yeah! Sorry but I can't keep putting myself in these situations! So if you're from here and want tattoos from me… Book during my next round (sometime in February (not sure of the exact dates just yet)), come to Hong Kong before I quit tattooing there too or else you might have to travel somewhere else around Europe when I come back some time next year!!

Sorry but there's just no way to justify working everyday to come back home broke!!

More Ploggings tomorrow before I fly out again!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Pushing blocks

So like... I just don't remember what day this was from anymore... But here's the next day's doings catching-up post of this summer's Dansk adventure... 

More tomorrow!!!!!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A terrorist threat... 134-136

Aaaaaand... Yessss!

Welcome back to Red Box Wednesday!!!
Here are 3 new unbelievable pages for your weekly session!!!

Oliver was just leaving the trippy Octo-Opto high priestess of Zorghon...

PAGE 134

PAGE 135

PAGE 136

Ooooh snap! This immigration process is becoming a bit of a pain indeed!!!! Poor Oliver!!! And where the hell is Pat??? What will happen next week??? Don't miss Oliver's unbelievable exit from this paranoid administration nightmare!!!!

As per the usual.... Go HERE to check the whole story from the beginning!

Aaaaaand also HERE to shop for prints of these delicious pages!!!

Got to run... More day's doings tomorrow!!!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Hey what-up!?

Couldn't find a second to post in the last few days... 

Have forgotten to take a lot of shots for the Plog and for the Instagrams too, So... Yeah! Please forgive this heavily distracted schedule of mine but it's been quite hectic indeed the last few days!!! Lot's of workings, lots of visitors and lots of happenings!! I should eventually manage to update everything for your viewing desires, however... For now... Here's where I think we left off...

Did a bunch of patching up weird empty spaces between some other stuff all day on this sleeve... The whole thing is finished but sadly I think this next shot is the only spot with enough surface to show anything!!

More day's doings asap!!!!

Until then, here's what my new buddy, Matthew Gordon did of me last week!!!!!!! He must be really bored after a week in Copenhagen to dedicated his evenings to this project but what an awesome piece!!!! I've never had someone give me a painting of me before... sniff ... This is pretty cool!!!

Thanks buddy!!!!!!!

And yes... This is what I look like nowadays... Same as before but with a 15 year old Taliban's beard!! 5 more months to go on this bad boy and it should look like a 17 year old's!!!

Ok ok... Enough about my beard and more about nothing... I'm out a here!

Stay awesome!!! 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Roots ... DAY 6

So yeah...

Here's day 6's day's doings...

Buddy came all the way from the France to get his lower half completed!!! We had done one side of it a few years back... 

Here's what that looked like after a few hours...

Ok--- Got to run already!!

More more more tomorrow!!! Yeah you bet!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Flying high... DAY 5

A classic!!

It was actually a lot of fun to do this... I'm always worried with stuff that is heavily influenced... I still refuse all reproductions but mixing your lines with a subject that has such a strong artistic personality is not always a sure shot!! This piece however, from the first Red and Black marker lines went surprisingly smoothly and well ended up looking epic...

Have a look!

Loving these "one-shot" half sleeves!!

More tomorrow!

You rock!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Interspacial Tea 128-133

Oh snap it's Red Box Wednesday again!!!!

I have mastered not 4, not 5 but 6 awesome mind blowing trippy interspacial pages for you this week!! 
Our valiant friend, Oliver, was about to have a mysterious appointment... 

Check em' out and let me know what you think of this unbelievable Red Box Wednesday!!!!

PAGE 128

PAGE 129

PAGE 130

PAGE 131

PAGE 132

PAGE 133

Woah! That's a lot of serious shit to digest!!! That Octo-Opto high priestess of Zorghon is pretty intense too!!! I wonder what she knows about Emma!!! I wonder who and/or what the hell she is too!!!!

More RB awesomeness next Wednesday!!!

Until then, and as usual, you can go check the whole thing from the beginning HERE!

And/or go shop for sweet prints of any page(s) you'd like to own there (HERE) too!!

Ok got to run...
The daily Day's doings marathon continues tomorrow!!!


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Hungry Pussy... DAY 4

So yeah...

Here's day 4's day's doings... Aka the hungry pussy...

More tomorrow!!!

Got to run but before I go... I advise you all to start doing your Red Box push-ups for the 6 absolutely trippy and super awesome pages coming your way this Wednesday (tomorrow)!!


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Evil Bitch... DAY 3

With evil legs up to her evil neck!!

So like... I just barely made it back from my super spy training weekend up in the northern jungles of Swedonia just in time to continue this day's doings posting marathon...

Here's this Scandinavian trip's 3rd day's doings... 

The evil bitch... Aka The grim reaper's PA (complete with impaled bankers collection and designer evil shoes) !!

Loving these "one-shots"!! Stay tuned for a lot more of these to come!!

Ok got to run!

Stay safe out there!!!

Friday, August 9, 2013

We're on the side of the demons...

... We're evil men in the gardens of paradise
Sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction
 wherever we go...

So like... I'm off to the jungles of northern sweden for some super secret spy 
shit for the next few days so... 
I hope you don't need anything from me till I'm back on Monday!

Stay safe out there!

The Life Aquatic... Day 2

So like yeah!!

Here's day 2 (last tuesday's day's doings!!) for your viewing pleasures!

We had already done the Jellymaid in February this year when I was last back in Denmarkia... We proceeded with her background's first session on Tuesday and this is what it looked like!

Forgive the half healed half fresh shots... You'll get the picture...

Another session in about a week to complete this underwater half and it will be done done!!

Ok got to run... More tomorrow!!!

Stay fresh!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Poke Poke 124-127

Oh yes! It's Red Box wednesday again!!

Rain or shine... On the road or at home... From every continent and through even the great internet wall of China... The Red Box can't be stopped!!!

I got 4 delicious and long awaited pages for you this week... The beginning of chapter 7 starts here... Prepare to be mind blown once again!!!

Ok enough said... Here's your weekly session... Enjoy and let me know!!!

PAGE 124

PAGE 125

PAGE 126-127

TRIPPY!!!! Glad to see Oliver again but where the hell is he??? Is this a dream? An alternate universe?? Sure is trippy where he's at!!

More next Wednesday!!!

Until then... As usual... Go HERE to start from the beginning and also there (HERE) to shop for page prints!!!

Got to run again... Will post yesterday and today's day's doings asap...

Stay real!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

AHA!! Day 1

Yesssss... I'm back to the Blogging world!!

After a painfully long ride over to the old Gweilo lands of Europia... I have officially started my Denmarkian vacation!! Here's the first day's day's doings of that day!!!

Buddy came down from nowhere an hour north of Stockholmtown and was ready to rock!!!
Here's the epic first session of this Copenhagenian adventure!

6 hours in! Colour in Hong Kong!

Definitely a trooper!!!

Ok got to run... Plog ya right back tomorrow!

Saturday, August 3, 2013


That's it that's all I is outta here!

Plog ya from NEurope as soon as I get there!!

For the one's out there suspecting me of actually taking a vacation up there… You don't know me well at all!!! If you're one of those interested in day's doings… Keep an eye on this here blog for the next few weeks… I'm suspecting daily day's doings to be posted!!!

Take care out there and catch ya on the flip side!

Captain Nick >>>>>>>> Out!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Like way top secret 120-123

Oooooo... Snap! It's Wednesday again!!!

Happy Red Box day!!

Here are the 4 pages I managed for you this week... The long awaited end to chapter 6!!! And what a unbelievable end too... Go crazy... Check it out and let me know what you think either here or on the main RED BOX page's comments!!!

PAGE 120

PAGE 121

PAGE 122-123

Holy shit snacks!?!?!?! How did that happen!?!?!?!? Where did sailor Davee end up and how is that even possible???? Where the what, how come??? 

A lot of stuff to seriously think about here, folks! Some serious rethinking of a lot of shit is in order... What a twist!!!!

Next week is the start of chapter 7!! And I don't know if you remember what happened at the end of chapter 5 but it might be a good time to go back and refresh your memory!!! Just in case chapter 7 is related in any way... You never know!

Don't miss it!!

As usual check the whole epic Red Box story from the start HERE!

And you can, as usual, also go there (HERE) to shop for the page(s) you thing you need to own!!!

Stay awesome!!!!!