Sunday, July 7, 2013


So yeah... 

Here's the start of this day's doings catch-up I promised earlier... I do promise a lot of things though... Am still hella-late on all that news and tattoo calendar business I last promised... But eventually!!! I promise!

Until then however, Here's a dream catcher... Started this one on the "Mossman" (yes the same shifty dude as in the Red Box) and will finish it all with the rest of the "Half sleeve" (the Yeti one) in a few months... As soon as I find time for it!

Here it is...

So yeah... More tomorrow!! I promise!

Until then... Start getting ready for the awesomeness coming your way this Wednesday! The next Red Box post promises a lot of it (awesomeness)!!!

Ok got to go... If you're bored... Go buy a print!

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