Sunday, December 9, 2012


So there you have it! After a few years, I've finally managed a new sweet set of prints!! Just picked them up this morning at the crack of 2pm from my brand new super printing wizard!! They look better, much better than I thought! Not that I thought they wouldn't look good but was just a little skeptical about all this fancy shmancy new technology paper super digi-matic-state of the art press system thing… But yeah… Pretty sweet stuff if I may say so!

Ok here are the cold hard facts:

There are two sets of the same print...

-First set is of a limited run of 50
pretty sweet matt yet untextured super paper
size: A3 (11" 3/4 x 16" 1/2 for you non-metric folks)
Hand signed and numbered and as usual will never be printed again.

-Second set is of a limited run of 10
also pretty sweet yet different matt/fancy smooth paper
size: A2 (16" 1/2 x 23" 1/2)
Also hand signed/numbered

I'm looking to see how quick I can get rid of these all! Kind of a test for future prints so just in time for christmas, shipping is free on these and the price is as low as I can possibly go:

A3's are $320 HKD
A2's are $500 HKD

Let me know!

If you want to see the exact same post but with orange as a backdrop… Check this out!

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