Just got back last night from this absolutely wonderful and magical place! I was open to going when I first got the offer but only because it was a new place to discover… I mean I knew nothing much about it and expected nothing much either! As soon as I saw the coast however, I knew this place was a hidden gem! Zanzibar is absolutely fantastic and if you ever find yourself anywhere on the East African coast… You should absolutely consider a trip over!!!!
Zanzibar is very different from the Tanzanian mainland with a much more Arab cultural influence. The mix of cultures is beautiful and makes this Island a unique little African paradise!
Here's a few digi-shots from the last day on the island for your Plog-o-visual pleasures! Rest assured however, I do have an abundant amount of way awesomer shots on film!
Sunday from the coast to the market, before, during and after the rain >>>>
Zanzilicious !!
More Tanzanian Plogables tomorrow!!
We're all Japanese!
On an other note however … I can't help but drop a note about the catastrophic doom that has engulfed the East Japanese coast since last Friday! I think I've very rarely seen such destruction from any natural disaster and on such a scale! Just looking at the pictures gives me shivers! The tragic tally will be hefty I'm afraid and this tragedy is not even over yet with the risk of possible Meltdowns at 3 different plants! I can't help but have all my thoughts with my friends over there, their friends and family, my daily Japanese Plog followers, and all of their compatriots!
Unlike most other places usually hit by such horrible disasters, Japan has a relatively modern infrastructure and adequate emergency resources, this, if well coordinated should minimize the death toll drastically and help avoid additional unnecessary losses due to delays and lack of help resources like in last year's Pakistan floods!
But whatever the degree of readiness, and available resources, I'm sure any kind of help, in such an extreme situation might be welcomed!
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