Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The long way part 1

Hello from Antwerp!

A long day it's been!
Been on the move since last night. After a night stop in Amsterdam I'm finally in Antwerp. The de-brief went well and the mission I'm about to embark on should be very interesting to say the least. I can't say too much about it just yet but it does involve a new continent for me, that's for sure!

So for now... A few days of chilling until my contact shows up! Shouldn't be too bad! Antwerp is a pretty sweet town to get stuck in actually! More news tomorrow! Until then ... Here's the successful route so far>>>

It's really nice to be on the road again... I really like being nowhere it's true! There's nothing quite like it! But I do already miss my Dansk friends! Stay fresh out there and don't change!! I'll be back soon enough!

P.s. here are a few answers ...

-No UncleJoh, scratch lines aren't stupid! Don't listen to them they tell lies and manipulate the medias!!! Scratch lines are good!!

-Dear Mister Mephisto, acquiring the Mix Master title is a complicated thing indeed and no, one can not actually bestow it on himself! Many things come into consideration and many details come into play! For one to acquire the said Mix Master title is a great honour and the elimination process as tough as it gets! Very few have managed to make it there actually! If I look at the Wiki page under the said title, I can only find 3 individuals! How many can you find?

-And finally... For those who wonder ... This year's new year will be on the 3rd, on Thursday!

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