Monday, December 31, 2012

Operation "35 Days of Nights"

I hope you're all gearing up for a great new year's eve!!!! 2013 promises to be quite epic… I wish you all the very best out there, wherever you are!!!!

On my side of the world, however… It's that time again… I'm getting ready to leave the HQ once again in the next few days! This time for 5 weeks! On the menu this time… Hard tat-zapping labour but also and more importantly for some awesome epic times with some of my favorite humans on this little planet!!

I'll be off to the barren, dark and unforgiving winter gripped lands of Copenhagentown, Denmarkia! A forgotten hamlet on the edge of the world! I should arrive at the Northern gates of Europe just in time to catch the last ferry of the season, just before winter takes full control of this remote and isolated part of the world and the ice closes the only way in or out, letting no one through until the end of the grim season!

Winters in these forbidden lands can last anywhere from the average 11 months to up to a few years never letting a drop of sunlight through! And can go from minus 10 degrees celsius to minus one gazillion!!

It's true… I've been there before… I lived there and witnessed, before my very eyes people go mad from the mentally punishing everlasting darkness, people drop dead right in front of me from the unbearable cold while waiting for buses that never came, people hunt each other in the streets, desperate for food and clothing not found elsewhere! It's true… I just wouldn't lie about things like that!!

Wish me luck as I return, for 35 days of nights! Wish me luck with the herds of marauding weekend barbarians, the bloodthirsty post office/customs pirates and the cold winds that can take the flesh off an innocent pedestrian in a matter of minutes… All, under the unholy cover of an unnatural darkness!!!

Also… XBox, movie nights and awesome times with my old adoptive family and friends from up there!!!!

I'll post again as soon as I make it across in one piece!!!!

Until then… Stay safe and enjoy the party!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Last Bits and Pieces…

Here's a quick few shots from this year's last unfinished bits and pieces… Awesome pieces I either didn't get to finish yet, or didn't get pictures in time from! There are a few more out there too but just didn't get enough pictures from all of them… Not just yet at least!! I should get them all shot by the time I get back in February but for now… This is all the photographic evidence I have of these cool tats!!

Hope you guys are getting ready for an awesome new year's and with a bit of luck… I'll be able to post one last time for 2012, tomorrow night!!

Have fun out there!!!!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Understanding 8/9

Hope you all had a great Christmas out there!! Hope you all had all the gifts you wanted and had a good time with who you spent Christmas with!

It's been a lot of not being busy doing anything for me, out here, and that's just great!! Slowly getting ready for my next trip in a few days so I'll try to keep posting as regularly as I can even though the busyness is about to start again!

Got a few more things to post before the end of the year but for now... As promised... Two more pages of the unfolding saga that is [THE RED BOX]!! Hope you're enjoying this as much as I am!!!



More unfolding of these terribly mysterious adventures next Wednesday!!!

Take care out there!!!!

P.s. To follow this story from the start... Check out the "RED BOX" link widget I posted on the side bar... Almost all the way at the end, between the "inform yourself" section and the Wikileaks link!!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Fresh from the oven >>>>

One last round in February!

Hope you all get the gifts you wanted and an awesome Christmas this year!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Rabbit ribs...

More tattoos... More rabbits... More ribs!!
Here's a rather recent one from this wave of ribness I've been getting lately! Apparently ribs are no fun!! It seems to be the word on the street!


Buddy came all the way down from... Down the road... And a chick and rabbits was expected! So that's just what we did! Now you should know that the young lady here depicted, this rabbit affectionado, is obviously a hottie, definitely knows it but I would just like to make sure you all understand this... She's not a skank!! Ok? Not this one! Mhm... Ok... Here's what it looked like after 3 hours and 55 minutes!

More more more tomorrow!!! Yeah! I'm on a roll!

P.s. You don't know this yet but you can't wait for next Wednesday's instalment of THE RED BOX!!!!! Yep! True story!

Friday, December 21, 2012


Ladies and gentlemen… No, I have not forgotten about you just yet!

Rest assured I am still here and although very busy, quite happy to see I've still managed to keep this Plog going pretty regularly for a while now! And unlike Canada to it's international environmental commitment , I'm not about to just quit you either! I got lots to blog, lots to show, many new adventures coming up, tons of pictures to put on the ANCOM and many many projects unfolding as we speak! As many projects as a phalanx of schoolgirls can have new ringtones to try out … And try them all… At the back of the bus… Stop after stop… So yeah, Many!!! However, all these projects always inevitably depend on other forces too… Money, people… etc. Therefore they do not always go according to my desired and preferred speed (NOW)! It's ok.. I've learned to be patient with time (not really), but I guess I've recently been in the mood for a little project I could completely control! I've thought about doing one of these on the blog for years now but just never got around to doing it! Well… As I was walking down the lanes of my local grocery store at 3 in the morning, trying to focus on what I was there for while the ridiculously loud Christmas music was screaming down my ears to be jolly… Cuz this was the season… To be Jolly… So yeah… It came to me! A box!!! Yep! Boxes are awesome!!! You can put things in them and I just love them and since I've been a kid have had the hardest time getting rid of them cuz you never know if you'll one day find something that will just fit perfectly in them… Judge me as you please… I've come to terms with it and live quite happily with my many boxes!!!

So hear it is… The RED BOX! (it's a working title)

It's a comic… Yeah yeah, I dragged it out a bit! I could have just wrote "Here's a comic" … But I didn't! So … Here's a comic! A web comic for the Plog! I will do my very best to give you at the very least, 1 page a week and no less! I have a few rough ideas about where I could take this but nothing definitive! This is the point actually! To see where this goes having no predetermined outcome or expectations!!! So … No rules! Just a story that will tell itself!…A little project to keep me company during my long Winter adventures in Europe and beyond! Hope you like this! Hope you get as excited as I am about the potential this has (of fun not money or anything serious like that) and hope you get as hooked as I think you'll get by this!!!

With no further delay… Here are the first 7 pages:








To be continued next week!!! What will happen to our two friends??? How did they get in the box in the first place?? Where will they go from there?? So many questions to be answered!!!

Until then… Tats tomorrow for sure!

Oh and last call for the MANDY PRINTS!!! I'll be closing the shop on the 30th so let me know soon if you need one of these before I reopen the shop in mid February! And also before they go back up to the price and shipping they should be for!

Let me know!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Shifting the pain...

Sorry sorry I'm always late!!

Pretty busy ya know!! Shipped the last batch of rolls of Mandy prints and a few other originals today! Seems that as much as the Hong Kong Post office guaranties it will send any piece of mail to any country in the world within 4 working days that the respective receiving countries however (I will not name the worst examples given to me by the clerk) might take up to a month, specially during this holiday season! So, much of you, I'll cross my fingers, should hopefully get their prints and originals just in time for Christmas however a few of you, might not! I'm terribly sorry in advance but there's just nothing I can do!

Anyone looking to order starting from now, should however not expect to get their parcels in time for Christmas!

In other previously promised yet slightly late news...
Here's a good one!! Buddy Nic finally got his super MK madness armpit to knee EPHK piece started and what a piece indeed!! The ribs have never been this much fun!! Now, my buddy Nic might not have scored a "Jedi" title just yet, but please appreciate the none the less astonishing dedication of an 8 hour long session on this particular part of the body!! Here you have it... Thursday's previously promised yet slightly late session shots:

Black & Red >>>

Lined up 8 hours later >>>

Next session in February when I get back home!!!

In other news... Get ready for "THE BOX" !!! Yep... More about that in the days to come but just get ready for it ok!? Yeah!

Stay away from needles!!! They hurt!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Just around the corner

First of all... Thanks so much to all the people going crazy for my last batch of awesome prints!!! I can't say how happy I am about all these Mandies going all around the world to all these different walls!! You guys rock!

A few more of these left in both sizes... Just before christmas... Collect them all!!

Apart from that... It's been busy as usual… However a lot more doodle time as of late! Too bad all this doodle time comes just at the end of the year, after a long year of no doodle time caused directly by the pursuit of more doodle time! Just as I'm starting to start thinking of getting ready for my next European adventure! Hardly an adventure really but rather a long month of hard work and yet again very little doodle time!!

For all of you who like to see them tattoos I do… I highly recommend you stay tuned during January! A lot, way way way a lot of just that has been planned! Let's just hope I avert the burnout and survive this month of tattoo madness!!

I will yet again change my system for tattooing and booking these tattoos as soon as I get back home in early February and yet again, the amount of tattooing will slowly decrease on this blog in the constant pursuit of slowing down my tattooing! Not that I don't like doing it, just want to do a whole lot less of it! And that next level, I've decided, is starting this coming February! So yeah… Keep an eye out during January if that's really all you like about this blog!!

Other things are changing too! But I'll stretch that a bit longer!!

Here's my beloved HQ!!

Stay busy!
Awesome tats tomorrow!!

Tuesday night Hot Pot!

Hanging with the Beijing crew!!!

Always nice to have these guys in town!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


No time for the awesome news I earlier promised... Got to run already so that'll have to wait till the next post!! But here's a Hanker for y'all! Buddy came all the way from the Germany for his very own Hanker! And NO! It's not Black & Grey or whatever you kids call it nowadays... It's Black & White!! You bet! Ok got to go!

Remember to get a print on your way out thanks!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Answers

While this young lady is busy solving humanity's existential evolutionary problems… Don't forget about getting one of these prints I last posted about!!! I've been very pleased with the amount of e-mails asking for some, so far!! And yes, it's free shipping anywhere on Earth (for inhabitants of the Northern and the Southern hemisphere)! If you don't fit in any of these two categories, give me a few days to go ask how that works at my local postoffice!

More super ploggables of the day as soon as tomorrow!! Some of that tattoo thing too!!

P.s. You can't see it but she's totally wearing shiny panties... Yep!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


So there you have it! After a few years, I've finally managed a new sweet set of prints!! Just picked them up this morning at the crack of 2pm from my brand new super printing wizard!! They look better, much better than I thought! Not that I thought they wouldn't look good but was just a little skeptical about all this fancy shmancy new technology paper super digi-matic-state of the art press system thing… But yeah… Pretty sweet stuff if I may say so!

Ok here are the cold hard facts:

There are two sets of the same print...

-First set is of a limited run of 50
pretty sweet matt yet untextured super paper
size: A3 (11" 3/4 x 16" 1/2 for you non-metric folks)
Hand signed and numbered and as usual will never be printed again.

-Second set is of a limited run of 10
also pretty sweet yet different matt/fancy smooth paper
size: A2 (16" 1/2 x 23" 1/2)
Also hand signed/numbered

I'm looking to see how quick I can get rid of these all! Kind of a test for future prints so just in time for christmas, shipping is free on these and the price is as low as I can possibly go:

A3's are $320 HKD
A2's are $500 HKD

Let me know!

If you want to see the exact same post but with orange as a backdrop… Check this out!

>__: SUCCESS !!!

You'll be happy to know that Moneypenny is back home after a successful operation and doing great!!

Doctor Buddy Wong (the Chief Emergency Operator) said everything went perfectly according to plan and the Jobs clone concurred! After a very difficult analog week, I'm finally back at work participating in this digital era at the fiber optic speed of light and all them zeros and ones!! Hurra!!

Now back to busyness… You guys have missed quite a bit of ploggable happenings!!

I'll try my best to post again with some of the most urgent and exciting news in the hours to come!!!

Stay tuned for more asap!!!

01011100101101000111010100101011110- out!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

>__: Moneypenny News

I just got the call...

It's official...

They found a compatible donor and Moneypenny is going into surgery as we speak!!! This operation has an 80% success rate so wish us luck!!! They even flew in a Jobs clone to survey the operation... I'm truly flattered!

If all goes well under the Doctor's welding iron and she accepts her new heart, I could have her back in the next few days and be right back, by your side, in the digital age!! I can't stress how hard this has been!! No movies... No music... No calendar... Other people's and even some times, PUBLIC access to the World Wide Webs and its internets... I'm afraid I have to admit it... But those two American geeks (Jobs and Gates) truly managed to get us all hooked to their stupid gadgets like Dime hookers to their crack pusher (or anyone else who lets smack tickle their fancy)!!

Stay safe out tH##=)_"}}><--_:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Ok ok!! I managed to score my buddy Rob's computator for a few minutes to post this! It just couldn't wait any longer!
Here are last week's big news >>>

For you see… What happened last Friday, on the second of December of the year 2012 was indeed the most important thing to happen to me this year (second obviously to my father's birthday, obviously). What happened was I got my HK ID card!!! After 8 long months of very hard work, 8 long months of fighting the MAN, 8 long months of acrobatic paperwork Kung Fu with the white collar administrative dark empire that is the Hong Kong Immigration department… I finally managed, not without loosing a few buckets of sweat, to score my Hong Kong working visa!! Therefore after 8 months (did I mention it took 8 months?) finally rendering me a legal Temporary Resident of the People's Republic of China's Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong!!! Yep that's my brand new title and I'm quite proud of this achievement many said was unobtainable in my special circumstance! I will have to prove my worth again in a year, but for now, a little break from the Hong Kong Immigration Services is very welcomed and appreciated! Even more appreciated will be a "welcome home" from the airport Stampers going through the resident's queue on my next flight back!! For legally acquiring a home of your choosing is something very trying but immensely gratifying!!

So there you have it! The reason to all my mysterious comings and goings and not tellings of many stuffs and stuffs!! It was actually crucial to the success of this operation to keep many in the dark!!


Exhausted but very proud of myself!!!

I will do my very best to continue to post regularly until Moneypenny is back and keep the news of what else the above statement means for a whole lot of other things coming!!

Stay awesome out there!

Resident Electric >>>> Out!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Cuff Cuff... Computer says no!

I'm terribly sorry, I have so much awesomeness to blog about from the last few days!! The final explication to the last secretive 8 months of my life, some epic work, both on canvas and people and some radical news too!! But it seems my beloved computator has contracted some sort of illness!!! Incredibly tragic, yet sadly very true!!!

My poor Moneypenny (yes that's my computer's name! You surprised?) is on the operation table as we speak!!! A heart transplant is needed and the operation has an 80% success rate!!

The unbelievably tragic part is that it might take up to 2 weeks to find it a new heart!! It's a 2008 afterall and aparently the number of compatible donors is getting thinner rapidly!!

So please be patient with us while we struggle through this trying period of our lives!

If you'd like to send your wishes to Moneypenny, please use the e.mail address bellow or drop a comment, we'll be sure to let her know!!

Stay healthy out there and I'll plog you as soon as possible!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mandy Vs Your wall

Ok ok... Here's a quick daily update as promised...

Now it hasn't been easy but I've come up with an interesting compromise and if the quote is what I expect it to be there shall be a new batch of prints of mine finally for sale in the next few day! True story! That's what they'll look like and there will most possibly be 2 different sizes too! I'm thinking a 25 to 50 batch of A3s and a special batch of 10 A2s. I just got to see what they look like first! I'll let you know as soon as I do!!!!

Also in the news... Tomorrow's a big day!! By far the biggest and most important day of 2012 for me! I'll Plog about it tomorrow for sure but let's just say I'm very proud of myself! Those who fight for something get what they want if they fight hard enough that's for sure!!

Ok ok ... Enough with the speeches... Plog y'all tomorrow!

Until then!
Stay real!

Friday, November 30, 2012


The day's ploggables y'all >>>>

A few days of all day doodle action have been very welcomed so far! A few more to go and it feels great! I like to think that one day, perhaps, I'd be able to just do that! Out of everything I do… Just painting all day has to be by far my favorite thing to do and the one thing I could never give up! In fact I'd give up everything else if I could just doodle all day forever!!! True story! But gladly for you… I'm not there yet! And talking about being not there yet… Still have a few spots in December in wonderful Hong Kong!! Cuz if no one wants these few extra days they're gonna turn into doodle days really quick!!

Apart from that… I'm meeting a new and possibly awesome printer man tomorrow, maybe even the new EPHK printing master wizard, who knows? I have a lot of things to talk to him about but if I know one good way to put a probable future printing wizard to the test, it's to get something printed!!! That's right and I'm not pulling any punches either!! Just in time for christmas… I'm making a batch of prints for ya! Now check this out… This is a bit of a test! I won't settle for anything short of pure awesomeness when it comes to the finished product but I've decided to change the way I do prints! And it's been so long too! So I'll blog more about it tomorrow but expect a sweet set of awesome yet very affordable (true story) beautiful prints! They will be super limited and hand signed and numbered and stuff and stuff as usual and a bigger format too! A2! But like I said… Tomorrow I explain and give all the details!!

And in other news of the day… Here is a bit of awesomeness from the northern viking desolate barren lands of Denmarkia!!



More tomorrow!
Stay shiny!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

On the other hemisphere

Hope you is all doing good out there! Just spent a first whole day of doodling in a very very way too long time and it feels awesome! 3 more to go! Been working on a bunch of awesome new stuff too! Yep! Should have a few new pieces finished by the end of the week and a new project you guys might like too!!! I hope! Just in time for Christmas!! Ok back to work!

More ploggables tomorrow!

>350!! Rock!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I'm always late… It's a way of life, you know!

Here's yesterday's promised post! Finished a while ago but never posted! The only shots I got are some of these half healed/half fresh ones and won't get better ones now that Mr. Hermod is back home in the Norways! But you get the idea!!

More ploggables tomorrow! Yeah yeah I promise!! For sure like!

Stay vigilant!!!
Here are a few awesome tips from my awesome Aussie connection for when the time comes!!! Awesomeness I tell ya!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Mong Kok Fu Bus!

When in a hurry...

One last 3 minute session on this old classic you might not have seen yet and we is done done! Got to run already but stay tuned for more tomorrow!! Wh/wh tomorrow?? Yep you bet!

Take it light out there! And... Keep it street!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Golden parachute news...

It's been rough let me tell ya…

Yep yep! Really feeling the pinch nowadays! Let's just say it's been pretty rough indeed! Super bummed I had to cancel my NAmerican trip and then Christmas altogether and then a week in London too… Hopefully all these extra, non expected administration costs that have crippled me so have all not been in vain… One can only hope!!

Copenhagen dates remain unchanged and the Earth would have to crack in two or the dead would have to rise again for me not to make it over (and even still! Cuz like I have a perfect step by step plan of exactly what to do in such unfortunate circumstances! And so should you!!) So if you're one of these Euro-booked, don't sweat it! I've even added an extra week with extra room for extra bookings (Till the 6th now).

Apart from these financial hardships and other bummers, having to cancel all these awesome plans abroad means I'll be home in Hong Kong for a bit longer!! And since this was not previously planned… I find my self with a big fat (phat) empty month!! Hint hint! Anybody want anything in December?? Let me know soon cuz I'd love to start some new stuff for a change and all the continuation work might fill up this calendar quicker than slower!

Also just finished the big update on the EPTB! Go check it out if you have nothing better to do!

And expect some of that Tat-posting you long for as soon as tomorrow! Yep! You bet!!

Hope you guys are doing good out there!
Hang on to something stable and try not to pick-up smoking in these next few crucial weeks of Christmas buying frenzy and capitalistic stress madness!!!

I miss you!
Yeah! All of you!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I'm very sorry to have to announce that I have no other choice but to cancel my NAmerican trip!

I'm truly sorry and have tried everything not too cancel but I really have no other choice than to push back this trip until next year! I wish I could say it's because of a very important international spy mission or such mysterious doings but the truth is, I just can't afford it! Even though I was happily surprised of the number of e-mails from people interested in getting some work done Stateside, when came time to drop some deposits I had to fight for months and still haven't even secured half of them! I can't give you guys a hard time, I truly know how hard it's been financially in NAmerica in the last few years! All my friends tell me about it and I do read the news! But yeah, After an impressive amount of unexpected hefty bills at home and the prospect of a very grim American working calendar, I can't even get the flights! I really have no other choice!

I hope you can all forgive me and give me a bit more time, till next year to save up and take that risk of going to America and not working as much as I'd want to!

Anyone personally concerned by this calendar change has received a personal e-mail!

Terribly sorry!

All Euro-dates remain unchanged and I will resume answering those mails in the days to come!

Write to me if you have any questions:

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Just a break! A break of raw awesomeness!!!
Enjoy the flight while I prepare my next post!

Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS from Michael König on Vimeo.

More soon... Fly safely!

Friday, November 16, 2012



No, I have not been kidnapped by government agents bent on doing everything they can to hide the truth about a possible zombie outbreak! Not yet at least! I've just been running around taking care of so many interesting things!!! Awesome things are happening these days! Not only just in the ever growing world of projects I'm entrapped in but also some big big things! The same big things that have kept me from freely Plogging for the last 7 months! Big news is on the way… I can smell it! I'll just cross my fingers and hope it's good!! As soon as I know for sure how this oh so mysterious operation that has lasted 7 months is going… You can be sure to know the very same day!!!

But apart from all these vague and secretive happenings… Here's some more interesting news…

-Still haven't found time to fix up the new EPTB but am actively working on working on it as soon as I can!! There are a few more pieces for sale and most of the stuff from this year got framed and therefore just a bit more expensive! But only just a bit… This is China after all!! Absolutely beautiful handmade craftsmanship for the price of a Copenhagen coffee!

I should manage to update it all by the weekend!

-I haven't had a second to myself and have had no choice but to skim through and answer only the most urgent e-mails in like almost a month! So be patient!! It is now my first web-priority (after this Plog) to go back and continue to answer every single e-mail!! Also should start finishing up the Copenhagen bookings at the same time!! So just a few more days here guys!!! I really appreciate your patience!!

-Am expecting to have a few days at the end of the month to sit down and unload all the shots I never got the post on the ANCOM! A big bunch of awesome shots from my adventures all over the world!!!

More regular postings in the days to come!!!!

Until then… Stay awesome!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Shiny Diver

Why not!?

An incredibly mysterious update tomorrow!!! Yep... Mhm!

Monday, November 5, 2012


… Is what she's thinking about!!

More in the days to come!
Don't expect any of it to make any sense really!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Mandy Mohawk Vs the Law

Mandy Mohawk doesn't care about the constitution or the bill of law
Mandy Mohawk doesn't care about the governor or the reach of the sherif's hand

Mandy Mohawk only cares about her forest and its fauna
and no one hunts on Mandy Mohawk's land.

Yeah yeah… I know!! I thought I was done with these "Indian" chicks too… But this one just came out of nowhere!! So I guess I wasn't done just yet!

It's really nice to be painting again after way too long!!! Nothing like it!

I've reopened the EPTB yesterday but give me a few more days to update the new "framed" shots and put in some new stuff in there too!!

More tomorrow!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Home Sweet Home Sweet Home...

A Complete circle

Forgive me for the unnecessary suspense but I've had to do with very little online time since I got back!!

But yeah...

I got back! Completing a full circle and therefore securing an A+ for operation Road Runner!! I'll skip the part where a giant immigration officer mascot helped me vote for my favourite immigration officer at the airport (true story) and the part where a real life storm trooper sold me a plane ticket (also true story) and go right to the part where I almost cried a bit when I finally made it back to my beloved home (very true)!! Boy I love my HQ and I guess I'm still far from being done with this part of the world!! Walking back in the hood, getting my coffee from Rosie and Lumpy's, running into doctor Buddy Wang, grabbing a duck blood soup with Jimmy Wong Way, getting one of my favourite Tuna buns from Johnny Good Cakes and just getting to hang with the crew!! I'm getting old I think... I'm loving this whole sedentary thing more and more! 33 after all...

But yeah! Back home till I leave again at the end of the month for the Yoo Ess of the Ay!

In other news...

I believe it's that time of year again... The time of year when the chocolate and sweets making industry lobby groups have a giant hard-on... Yep... That's the word I'm going for this year! And if you be one of those who like to ride that (yes... Ride that chocolate and sweets making industry lobby groups' hard-on)... Well I hope you're all having a good one!!! Regardless of this capitalist mastermind holiday masterpiece, candy rocks! And the day when North American kids (and other kids from cultures in need of more holidays) get full bags of it for free just for dressing up is pretty cool! Eventually you get to that age where Halloween night is all about hanging out with the slutty version of your childhood idols but I'll leave that for another more illustrated post! Am I forgetting anything... ? Oh yeah... All that grim and sombre death and doom darkness stuff!!

Queenie Von Bloodthirsty!

Have an awesome Halloween to all of you out there and try not to get diabetes!!

More Ploggables in the days to come!!! Hurra!

Friday, October 26, 2012


The clock is ticking... It's T-1!

Operation Road Runner's success is still to be determined! For you see, this oh so mysterious operation didn't necessarily have to happen in Australia but rather more importantly out of Hong Kong and it's entire success depends on a full loop, a safe return!! I will be more than happy to explain all of these operational operations and all of the last year's worth of secretive secrets as soon as I can but until I can... It'll be evasive and vague rhetoric from me, I'm afraid! Hang on and bear with me just a bit longer while I glide my way back through the dark and silent South China sea skies tonight! 10 Hours = 5 movies... I hope they have a new selection since my ride into Australia!!

Even though the entire trip was pretty much all last minute arrangements and day to day runnings, I couldn't be happier to have decided to come down to Australia for this last month and have already promised all around a sure and prompt return in the very near future!! So for all of you down under who would have loved more tattooing, more visiting, more Guinness time... Keep your eyes open for me soon soon again, cuz if you see someone who looks like me in the streets of Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane in the months to come... It's probably me!!

Take care out there and wish me luck for this midnight run!

Updates as soon as I'm back home!


The Melbourne Clock Bird

Laying them out... One by one!

Melbourne's been good to me! Melbourne's always been good to me! Unfortunately, time has not been on my side during this whole trip and I've had to cancel too many things and run from one place to the next too often! It does seem however, like I will be back down on this part of the southern hemisphere more often now!! Yep! But until I make it back... Here's some of the last sweet doings I could have been caught doing during the last few days!!

The Melbourne Clock Bird with sad but not tragically sad, young lady! I also call it my "PECKEL" piece! Here's what yesterday's Voodoo doings looked like!!

Red & Black...

5 hours later...

Finally a real "one shot"!!

On the road out back home tomorrow night but I will find time to post again before I fly fly fly away!!!

Got to run already but stay safe out there!!!