I know I know it's taken me a while but for my defense, I've barely had the time to even breath since I've gotten back from my French work-ation and have been way too busy to even look at my blog!!! So, sorry but... I am in desperate need of a (insert random swear word) break here! But before that happens... I managed to get a few minutes to proper update you guys!!! And I will do all that with some relaxing images of the ever so appeasing Martian landscape! What better way to do it, right!! Ok... I'm glad we agree! Here we go>>>
First and foremost:
It's Calendar time!!!Here are my new and improved working
NAmerican dates...
San Diego, CA: 28th of November till the 6th of December / One spot left (still accepting submissions)
New Haven, CT: 11th till the 17th of December / All booked-up
I will also be going to
Philly and
New York for a bit but will not be working there!
However I've just decided (in the last few days) that my next NAmerican trip might not be so far away as I first thought except that it'll probably end up being way too far out of the way for most if not all of you!! No roads go there after all!!! How intriguing!!! More about that in the months to come!
EU... It's your turn!!
Ok ok here's how it'll all work!
Copenhagen from the 2nd of January till the 31st.
about 14 to 16 spots that I am opening... NOW!
Free for all except that anyone with unfinished business from me obviously gets first pick! Also... Think "one-shot" only please! I do plan on making it back out that way by August but don't want to add too many unfinished pieces!!!! A "one-shot" can be up to 8 hours, send me your ideas and placement/size info and I'll answer ya as soon as I get time to book!
People of the waiting list are expected to get a mail about this in the days to come!!
as usual: pick@electricpick.com
Let me know!
Wow what a discussion that last one was!!! I'm actually pretty happy about the whole thing cuz it's one of the first time someone's objected to my opinion, discussed it, and it ended well! Score! I do enjoy it!
I do use this part of the WWW more and more to express my opinion about worldly affairs and don't think it's gonna change anytime soon but anyone is always welcomed to come and add their side or opinion to anything!! I only ask you weigh your words enough to invite discussion! Do it!
And finally...
It's been 6 months since I landed here in wonderful Hong Kong this year and it's been 6 long months of ... Lots of mystery!! All of it covert and highly secretive as you might have noticed by the severe lack of general info on this blog! Today is a semi-special day directly related to said situation and it is the first day of the next 2 months... After which I will most likely be able to empty my great big bag of secrets and return to a more overt blogging schedule! Be patient!!
You all rock!!!
More ploggings of the graphic nature in the days to come!!!
(*All images from NASA)