A few more seconds for ya!
Here's the day's doings for ya ... -Wh wh what? On a Saturday??? One might say! How very un-Danish of me!!! Well true that!
Another glorious "one-shot" is born!! The idea was a robot skull so I did an owl!! Check it out! He's an owl and a robot (therefore a mecha-owl, an owl-oid or maybe even an auto-mecha-owl-oid?) but he also happens to be more productive at drawing and painting at night (thereby directly relating to the "owlness" of the said subject!) Get it? Cool!
Anywho... Here's what it looked like at the office today!
Red/Black ... Everybody's pretty much got it by now but just for Allan who needs a bit more time to understand things sometimes ... Red is for me, Allan ... Black is for the Customer! Ask me again tomorrow if you still need help understanding it and I'll give you a powerpoint presentation about it!
And a few hours later >>>>
I'll say it again ... Purple & Orange is the new Bluegrey!!!!!
Good job Zak! Thanks for coming down from Stockholmtown again and it looks like you did get a full sleeve from me after all!
Tomorrow's a special day at the shop! Indeed 'tis*. But it also means I might be so lucky to finally find the well needed time to sit down and go through my last mission pictures and get to post a few new glorious shots on the ever so awesome
*More about that tomorrow!!
Stay original!